Managing a Mini-Project


Teaching: 0 min
Exercises: 20 min
  • How do we put everything we’ve learnt together?

  • Go through the steps of managing a small software project.

Now we’ve seen all the steps involved in developing sustainable code, let’s put that knowledge into practise.

Earlier, we made a fork of the project-novice-demo repository. The code there is pretty bad - it’s written in a very unsustainable way that makes future development harder (and passing the project on to another researcher even harder!). However, as a published project owned by somebody else, we don’t have the permissions required to edit it and fix the problems.

Fortunately, we have already forked it, and now we’re going to set up a small project to improve it. We’ll use the tools we’ve introduced in this lesson so far. Forks don’t have Issues by default, but you can enable them by going to the Settings tab, then scrolling down to Features:

Selecting the settings tab Enabling issues

Now we can start looking for problems with the project and recording them as issues. One immediate one is that there’s no develop/dev branch - all the work has been done on the master branch:

No dev branch

Identifying issues

We’ve found one problem, but there’s plenty more here. Take a look at your fork of the project-novice-demo repository, identify two more things wrong with the code, and raise them as issues. Don’t try to run the code - there’s more than enough things wrong with it that you can spot just from a quick read-through. Once you’ve got your issues, create a kanban board on the repo and place them on it.


There’s too many things wrong to provide an exhaustive list, but here’s a few you may have spotted:

  • No stable releases
  • Unclear commit messages
  • is empty
  • has an inaccurate list of files
  • contains broken links
  • What questions do we want to answer with this data? is unfinished
  • Multiple versions of the same file in the repository
  • Poorly-named functions (e.g. add_column5)
  • Poorly-named variables (e.g. df47)
  • Poorly-documented functions *(e.g. plot_bar_charts)
  • Undocumented functions (e.g. produce_count)

Now we’ll work on addressing the issues we’ve raised. If we want to use the feature-branch workflow, the lack of a dev branch is the first one we need to fix! So we’ll address that first. We’ll move the issue for this to the In progress column of our kanban board to let our collaboratorsk know we’re fixing it:

Moving to in progress column

Now we’ll clone our repository to our machine:

git clone
Cloning into 'project-novice-demo'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 28, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (28/28), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (17/17), done.
remote: Total 28 (delta 13), reused 20 (delta 10), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (28/28), 8.32 KiB | 8.32 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (13/13), done.

Then create a new branch called dev and push it to our remote repository:

git checkout -b dev
Switched to a new branch 'dev'
git push -u origin dev
Total 0 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
remote: Create a pull request for 'dev' on GitHub by visiting:
 * [new branch]      dev -> dev
branch 'dev' set up to track 'origin/dev'.

With our work finished, we can close our issue and move it to the ‘Done’ column:

Moving to done column

Solving problems

Now we’ve got a dev branch and a project board with a To Do column with issues in, we can set about fixing one of them.

We want to use the feature-branch workflow, so it would be easy to collaborate with other people. Pick one of your open issues, and fix it using the feature-branch workflow, then once it’s done issue a release of your updated master branch!

If you don’t have any issues that can be fixed with the feature-branch workflow (e.g. ‘Unclear commit messages’) then add a new issue that the code has a broken link in the file and work on fixing that. Small fixes can even be done directly on GitHub!


We can address the broken links like this:

  • Move our issue from To Do to Work In Progress
  • Go to our file on GitHub, and switch to the dev branch version of it Switch to the `dev` branch
  • Edit the file on GitHub to put in the correct URL (google it!) Edit directly on GitHub
  • Submit your changes as a new branch, and create a pull request Submit as a new branch
  • Merge the pull request from our new branch to dev.
  • Close our issue on GitHub
  • Create a pull request from dev to master
  • When master is up to date, issue a release on GitHub Normally, we wouldn’t just merge a branch into dev then dev straight into master- we’d merge several fixes or new features into dev, then merge to master and make a release.

Now you should have a good idea of the skills and techniques required to manage a project successfully!

Key Points

  • Problems with code and documentation can be tracked as issues.

  • Issues can be managed on a project board.

  • Issues can be fixed using the feature-branch workflow.

  • Stable versions of the code can be published as releases.