Exporting data


Teaching: 10 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • How can we export data from spreadsheets in a way that is useful for downstream applications?

  • Store spreadsheet data in universal file formats.

  • Export data from a spreadsheet to a CSV file.

Storing the data you are going to work with for your analyses in Excel default file format (*.xls or *.xlsx - depending on the Excel version) is not a good idea. Here are some reasons why:

The above points also apply to other formats such as open data formats used by LibreOffice and Open Office. These formats are not static and do not get parsed the same way by different software packages.

As an example of inconsistencies in data storage, remember how we investigated how Excel stores dates. There are multiple defaults for different versions of the software, and you can switch between them all. So, say you are compiling Excel-stored data from multiple sources. There are dates in each file - Excel interprets them as their own internally consistent numbers. When you combine the data, Excel will take the serial number from the place you are importing it, and interpret it using the rule set for the version of Excel you are using. These rules may not align. Essentially, you could be adding errors to your data, and it would not necessarily be flagged by any data cleaning methods.

Storing data in a universal, open, and static format will help deal with this problem, e.g. formats such as tab-delimited (tab separated values or TSV) or comma-delimited (comma separated values or CSV). CSV files are plain text files where the columns are separated by commas, hence ‘comma separated values’ or CSV. The advantage of a CSV file over an Excel or other proprietary formats is that we can open and read a CSV file using just about any software, including plain text editors like TextEdit or NotePad. Hence these files are more robust and more likely to be accessible in the future.

Data in a CSV file can also be easily imported into other formats and environments, such as SQLite and R. We are not tied to a specific version of a specific (potentially expensive) program when we work with CSV files, so it is a good format to work with for maximum portability and endurance. Most spreadsheet programs can save to delimited text formats, although they may give you a warning during the file export.

To save a file you have opened in Excel in CSV format:

  1. From the top menu select File then Save as.
  2. You will be presented with different options for exporting to CSV file format, depending on your Excel version.
  3. In the ‘Format’ field, from the list select CSV UTF-8 (Comma-delimited)(*.csv) (or Text CSV (.csv) in LibreOffice). Saving an Excel file to CSV
  4. Double check the file name and the location where you want to save it and hit ‘Save’.
  5. If you are saving an Excel file with multiple tabs, Excel will save only the currently active sheet (there is no option for multiple tabs in CSV) and warn you that you cannot save multiple sheets to a CSV file at the same time. If you need to save multiple tabs, you must save each one as its own CSV file.

    Saving active sheet warning

Note on backwards compatibility

You can open CSV files in Excel (or LibreOffice)!

A note on Python/R and Excel’s .xls/.xlxs formats

There are Python and R packages that can read .xls/.xlxs files. It is even possible to access different worksheets in the Excel spreadsheet documents. However, because these packages parse data tables from proprietary and non-static software, there is no guarantee that they will continue to work on new versions of Excel. Exporting your data to CSV or TSV format is much safer and more reproducible.

Note: when data contains commas

In some datasets, the data values themselves may include commas (,). In that case, you need to make sure that the commas are properly escaped when saving the file. Otherwise, the software that you use (including Excel) will most likely incorrectly display the data in columns. This is because the commas which are a part of the data values will be interpreted as delimiters.

If you are working with data that contains commas, the fields should be enclosed with double quotes. This should occur automatically when you export from a spreadsheet program. However, it is always a good idea to double check your CSV after it is saved by opening it in a spreadsheet program and reviewing the columns to ensure that no new ones have been added.

Key Points

  • Data stored in common spreadsheet formats will often not be read correctly into data analysis software, introducing errors into your data.

  • Exporting data from spreadsheets to formats like CSV or TSV puts it in a format that can be used consistently by most programs.