Organising data in spreadsheets


Teaching: 10 min
Exercises: 10 min
  • How do we organise and format data in spreadsheets for effective data use?

  • Describe best practices for data entry and formatting in spreadsheets.

  • Apply best practices to arrange variables and observations in a spreadsheet.

A common mistake is to use a spreadsheet like a lab notebook. In other words, to convey information not just with the data, but with notes in the margin and the spatial layout of the data. We can (usually) interpret these things, but computers cannot. They are incredibly literal, so unless we explain every single nuance of meaning that we intended, the computer will misinterpret our data - and that causes problems. This is why it is extremely important to start with well-formatted tables from the outset - before you even start entering data from your first preliminary experiment.

Data organisation is the foundation of your research project. It can make it easier or more difficult to work with your data throughout your analysis. You should start thinking about data organisation before you start collecting data. There’s a lot of flexibility, but some of the choices you make now will limit your ability to work with the data in the future.

Best data formats may differ

The best layout for data entry might change dependent on the specific use case. Do not stick to a format just because you have used it previously. Choose the best format on a case-by-case basis. (And if you need to convert between formats, ideally you would automate the conversion with a script in, say, Python or R.

Structuring data in spreadsheets

The cardinal rule of using spreadsheet programs for data is to keep it “tidy”:

  1. Put all your variables (i.e. the thing you are measuring, like ‘weight’ or ‘temperature’) in its own column
  2. Put each observation in its own row
  3. Do not combine multiple variables in one cell
  4. Leave the raw data raw - do not change it!
  5. Export the cleaned data to a text-based format like CSV (comma-separated values). This ensures that anyone can use the data, and is required by most data repositories.

To see some of these rules in action, let’s look at the following data from a survey of small mammals in a desert ecosystem. Different people have gone to the field and entered data into a spreadsheet. They kept track of variables like species, plot, weight, sex and date collected.

Here’s a poor example of data collection:

multiple-info example

There are problems like the species and sex variables being in the same field. This data format would make it difficult to easily look at all of one species, or look at different weight distributions by sex. If, instead, we put sex and species in different columns, it would be much easier to perform such analyses.

The data could be better organised as:

single-info example

Columns for variables and rows for observations

The rule of thumb, when setting up data in a table is: columns = variables, rows = observations, cells = data values.

Including metadata in the spreadsheet

“Metadata” is the data you record about your data (such as the date the experiment was conducted, who conducted it, etc). It is essential to understanding the circumstances under whic your data was collected. You may be on intimate terms with your dataset while you are collecting and analysing it, but this will change over time. After six months, you are unlikely to remember the exact algorithm you used to transform a variable, or that “sglmemgp” means “single member of group”. You don’t need a photographic memory if you collect good metadata.

Your data is important, which means there will be many people who will want to examine it. They will need good metadata if they are to understand your findings, review your submitted publication, replicate your results, design a similar study, or even just want to archive your data. While digital data by definition are machine-readable, understanding their meaning is a job for human beings - and they need the help that metadata provides. The importance of documenting your data during the collection and analysis phase of your research cannot be overstated - it is fundamental.

Metadata should not be contained in the data file itself, because it can disrupt how programs interpret your data file. Rather, metadata should be stored as a separate file in the same directory as your data file, preferably in plain text format (i.e. .txt) with a name that clearly associates it with your data file. Because metadata files are free text format, they allow you to encode comments, units, information about how null values are encoded and related information.

Additionally, file or database level metadata describes how files that make up the dataset relate to each other; what format they are in; and whether they supersede or are superseded by previous files. A folder-level README.txt file is the classic way of accounting for all the files and folders in a project.

Credit: MANTRA

The above text on metadata was adapted from the online course Research Data MANTRA by EDINA and Data Library, University of Edinburgh. MANTRA is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Keeping track of your analyses

When you are working with data in spreadsheets, the spreadsheet you end up with will often look very different to the one you started with. With each change, you are losing information about the history of the data. How many times have you needed to roll back an analysis, only to become completely lost when retracing your steps? There are ways of mitigating this problem:

In the following example, the spreadsheet has ‘raw’ tabs in which to store the original, untouched data and ‘clean’ tabs in which the processed data is stored. It is accompanied with a text file that describes the steps that have been taken.

spreadsheet setup

Version controlling your data

Although out of scope for this lesson, you can learn about version control in a separate course, which can be used to record the transformation of your data over time, and provides tools to roll back to any previous version of the data.

A messy dataset

To put theory into practise, throughout this lesson we will be working with some messy survey data and applying what we learn to that data. The data is a simple survey of small mammals in a desert ecosystem. Different people have gone to the field and entered data into a spreadsheet. They kept track of variables like species, plot, weight, sex and date collected. The spreadsheet contains four tabs,


If you haven’t done so already, first download the messy survey data. Once you have it downloaded, open it up and have a look around the spreadsheet to see what’s there. You will only need to worry about the ‘2013’ and ‘2014’ tabs; the other two tabs will be used later.

When you feel ready, create a metadata file (e.g. README.txt) to document the key parts of the data. Try to think about what you would like to know about the data, if you had to analyse it. For example, you may want to know more about the study, when data collection began, and you will probably want to know what the data actually represents.

Since this is not our study or data, we naturally won’t know all of this information to fully fill out the metadata. Try to fill it in as much as you can, but feel free to leave some parts empty or make up something reasonable to fill in any blanks.


You should create a metadata file in the same directory as the spread sheet named something like README.txt or METADATA.txt. It should contain information such as:

  • The name of the study
  • The author(s) of the study and data
  • Contact information for the author(s)
  • The date data collection began
  • A brief description of the study and data
  • A description on the data collection methodology
  • A list of publications using the data
  • The date the data was last modified
  • A list of changes which been made to the data, and analysis done on the data

Key Points

  • Never modify your raw data. Always make a copy before making any changes.

  • Keep track of all of the steps you take to clean your data in a plain text file.

  • Organise your data according to tidy data principles.

  • Record metadata in a separate plain text file (such as README.txt) in your project root folder or folder with data.