The Bash Shell: Setup for Lesson

Setup for Lesson

Text Editor

A text editor is the piece of software you use to view and write code. If you have a preferred text editor, please use it. Suggestions for text editors are, Notepad++ (Windows), TextEdit (macOS), Gedit (GNU/Linux), GNU Nano, Vim. Alternatively, there are IDE’s (integrated developer environments) that have more features specifically for coding such as VS Code; there are also IDEs specific to languages will be listed in the appropriate section(s) below.

Open a Terminal

For this lesson, first you need to be able to open a terminal:

Git Setup


We’ll be using Git Bash for both git and a shell to run it in. If you’ve already installed Git Bash then go to the next section. Otherwise, go to git for windows and click Download, then install it. Most of the options can be left on default, but be sure you check these:

Mac OS

To use Git you must install the Apple Command Line Tools, this may take a few minutes.

You can obtain these from Apple (requires your Apple ID)

Alternatively, you can install the tools from the command line:

$ xcode-select --install


Git comes pre-installed on most Linux distributions. You can test if it’s installed by running git --version. If it’s not installed, you can install it by running sudo apt-get install git or sudo yum install git, depending on your distribution.


We’ll be using the website GitHub to host, back up, and distribute our code. You’ll need to create an account there. As your GitHub username will appear in the URLs of your projects there, it’s best to use a short, clear version of your name if you can.

Download Data for Shell Lesson

Open a terminal and type the following into the prompt that appears (pressing enter/return after each line):

$ cd
$ git clone

cd will move to your home directory, and git clone will download a copy of the materials.

This should download all the content for the lesson to a new directory. Please let the instructors know if you run into any problems.