Lesson Schedule

1. Why Use a Cluster? Why would I be interested in High Performance Computing (HPC)?
What can I expect to learn from this course?
2. Connecting to the remote HPC system How do I open a terminal?
How do I connect to a remote computer?
What is an SSH key?
3. Moving around and looking at things How do I navigate and look around the system?
4. Writing and reading files How do I create/edit text files?
How do I move/copy/delete files?
5. Wildcards and pipes How can I run a command on multiple files at once?
Is there an easy way of saving a command’s output?
6. Scripts, variables, and loops How do I turn a set of commands into a program?
7. Using Bash Scripts in Pipes Can I use scripts I write in pipes as well?

The actual schedule may vary slightly depending on the topics and exercises chosen by the instructor.