Managing Academic Software Development: Setup for Lesson

Setup for Lesson


We’ll be using the website GitHub to host, back up, and distribute our code. You’ll need to create an account there. As your GitHub username will appear in the URLs of your projects there, it’s best to use a short, clear version of your name if you can.

Project Demo Repository

We’ll be showing you how to manage an example academic software project. If you’ve completed our Version Control with git workshop, you’ll have a finished version of our climate-analysis repository (you’ll have used the template from here) If not, please create a copy of it from this template (linked here), and name it climate-analysis.

Install Visual Studio Code

This workshop involves editing code files. Whilst you can use any text editor to do this, some code editors or Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) have features designed to make coding easier. If you’re already using a code editor or IDE (e.g. Atom, Sublime Text or Spyder), stick with what you’re comfortable with. If not, we’d recommend installing Visual Studio Code (link here).

Windows / MacOS

Go to the Visual Studio Code website, and download and run the installer.


If you’re on Ubuntu, Visual Studio Code should be available through the software centre! If not, follow the detailed instructions here to install it.