Lesson Schedule

1. Python Basics How do I start the Python interpreter?
What is a variable?
2. Arrays, Lists etc What is a list?
How do I access values in a list?
How to select a range of values from a list?
3. Repeating actions using loops How do I repeat a task?
What is a for loop?
How to iterate over a list?
How to iterate over a range of values?
4. Processing data files How do I open files?
How do I get data out of text?
5. Making choices How do I perform logical operations in Python?
6. Modularising your code using functions What is a function?
Why would I want to use a function?
Where should I put my functions?
7. Handling Errors How can I use an error to understand where my code stopped working?
What types of errors are there in Python?
8. Command-Line Programs How can I run a program from the command line?
Can I tell the program to use different inputs from the command line?
Can I use a python program in a command line pipeline?
9. Reading and analysing Patient data using libraries I work mostly with numerical data are there better methods than strings and lists?
I’ve heard python can be slow when working with big data is there anything I can do about that?
10. Data Visualisation How can I visualise my data?
Can I use python to output plots for papers?
11. Python Style Guide How do I write good-looking python?
12. Survey
13. Challenges
14. Why Python?

The actual schedule may vary slightly depending on the topics and exercises chosen by the instructor.