Functions and Classes
Teaching: 15 min
Exercises: 15 minQuestions
How can we structure our data and code to help us keep track of larger programmes?
Use functions to structure code which performs a particular task.
Use classes to encapsulate structured data.
From our previous section, we’ve actually now got everything we need to write any program, but if we stopped here we’d quickly find that larger programs become unmanageable. What we’re missing is a way of structuring our code, so that we can separate out specific parts with specific functionality. The first and most important tool for doing this are functions.
Much like in mathematics, functions represent an operation which can be applied to some data, to receive some other data as output.
def add_one(x):
"""Add one to a number."""
return x + 1
In the example above, we define a function add_one
which adds one to a number.
To define a function, we need to start with the def
keyword, then the function name, the function arguments in parentheses and the colon to start a new block.
Within the function’s code block we can do anything we could outside of a function, but in order to get any data back out of the function we need to return
The arguments of a function are the values it takes as input - when we call the function inside the print()
, we provide the values of any required parameters, in this case just x
The value returned by the function is then passed on to print()
, just as it would be if we’d put the value there directly.
The last component of the function definition above is the docstring.
Docstrings aren’t a requirement, but can make it much easier to understand what your code is doing, especially if it’s complex or you haven’t looked at it for a while.
A docstring needs to be the first thing inside a function’s code block and should be enclosed within triple double quotes (i.e. """
For a more practical example, let’s convert our existing code for calculating pi into a function:
import random
def approximate_pi(num_points):
"""Monte-carlo approximation of pi by counting points within a circle."""
inside = 0
for i in range(num_points):
x = random.uniform(-1, 1)
y = random.uniform(-1, 1)
r2 = x**2 + y**2
if r2 <= 1:
inside += 1
return 4 * inside / num_points
pi = approximate_pi(1000000)
Sum of Squares
We need a function which accepts an integer and returns the sum of the squares of integers up to and including this number. i.e. 1 -> 1, 2 -> 5, 3 -> 14
Which one of the functions below would accomplish this?
def sum_of_squares_a(limit): for i in range(limit): total = i * i return total def sum_of_squares_b(limit): total = 0 for i in range(limit): total += i * i return total def sum_of_squares_c(limit): total = 0 for i in range(limit + 1): total += i * i return total def sum_of_squares_d(limit): total = 0 for i in range(limit - 1): total += i * i return total
The correct answer is the function
- Function A just returns the square of
limit - 1
as it overwrites the value oftotal
each time round the loop.- Function B stops the loop one iteration too early.
- Function D stops the loop two iterations too early.
def sum_of_squares_c(limit): total = 0 for i in range(limit + 1): total += i * i return total
Function Composition
One of the main benefits of breaking our code up into functions is that it allows us to use composition. Often, we find that a task is composed of several smaller sub-tasks - an example of this can be seen when we convert temperatures between Fahrenheit, Celsius and Kelvin. Writing two functions to perform temperature conversion from Fahrenheit, we might have:
def fahr_to_celsius(fahr):
# apply standard Fahrenheit to Celsius formula
celsius = ((fahr - 32) * (5/9))
return celsius
def fahr_to_kelvin(fahr):
# apply standard Fahrenheit to Kelvin formula
kelvin = ((fahr - 32) * (5/9)) + 273.15
return kelvin
But on closer inspection, we find that the second of these functions can be broken down into two sub-tasks: firstly, convert Fahrenheit to Celsius, then convert Celsius to Kelvin. Since we already have a function which converts from Fahrenheit to Celsius, we can make use of this:
def fahr_to_celsius(fahr):
# apply standard Fahrenheit to Celsius formula
celsius = ((fahr - 32) * (5/9))
return celsius
def fahr_to_kelvin(fahr):
# apply standard Fahrenheit to Kelvin formula
kelvin = fahr_to_celsius(fahr) + 273.15
return kelvin
This breaking down of a problem into smaller components is a core concept in the practice of software engineering and many other techniques are based around this idea.
Classes are another tool available to us in Python which allow us to structure our code and our data at the same time. A class is effectively a template for a structured piece of data and the behaviour which is associated with it.
As an example here, let’s imagine some software we might need to analyse the results of a clinical trial. For each patient, we might need to keep track of:
- Their name
- Their dosage
- Some general health measurements
- Measurements of the trial outcome indicator
Using the data structures we’ve seen so far, we might implement this using a dictionary for each patient - so all of our patients would be represented in a list of dictionaries:
alice = {
"name": "Alice",
"dosage_mg": 40,
"weight_kg": 65,
"measurements": [
10, 10, 6, 4, 2, 1, 0
bob = {
"name": "Bob",
"dosage_mg": 0,
"weight_kg": 75,
"measurements": [
10, 8, 8, 9, 8, 9, 9
However, having to replicate the structure like this each time is error prone and overly verbose. By using a class, we have a better way to structure this:
class Patient:
def __init__(self, name, dosage_mg, weight_kg): = name
self.dosage_mg = dosage_mg
self.weight_kg = weight_kg
self.measurements = []
def add_measurement(self, value):
alice = Patient("Alice", 40, 65)
bob = Patient("Bob", 0, 75)
In this example, the
, self.dosage_mg
, self.weight_kg
and self.measurements
attributes are the structured data we want our class to contain.
The function add_measurement
is a behaviour that we have chosen to define for our class - something that the data can do, or something that can be done to the data.
We can then create an instance of the class by using similar syntax to calling a function.
When we create instances for Alice and Bob, we provide the values to the parameters of the __init__
When a function belongs to a class like this, we often refer to it as a method.
Normal methods will have self
as their first parameter, but notice that we don’t ever provide a value for this when we call the __init__
method (implicitly) or the add_measurement
This is because it gets filled in for us, to refer to the instance of the class that we’re operating on.
In the case of the line alice.add_measurement(10)
, the value of the self
parameter, will be the class instance alice
Adding a Method
Something we might need to calculate during our clinical trial is the dosage per body mass, often reported in units of milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg). Which of the examples below would allow us to do this?
class Patient_A: def __init__(self, name, dosage_mg, weight_kg): = name self.dosage_mg = dosage_mg self.weight_kg = weight_kg def dosage_per_kg(): return self.dosage_mg / self.weight_kg class Patient_B: def __init__(self, name, dosage_mg, weight_kg): = name self.dosage_mg = dosage_mg self.weight_kg = weight_kg def dosage_per_kg(self): return self.dosage_mg / self.weight_kg class Patient_C: def __init__(self, name, dosage_mg, weight_kg): = name self.dosage_mg = dosage_mg self.weight_kg = weight_kg def dosage_per_kg(self): return dosage_mg / weight_kg class Patient_D: def __init__(self, name, dosage_mg, weight_kg): = name self.dosage_mg = dosage_mg self.weight_kg = weight_kg def dosage_per_kg(dosage_mg, weight_kg): return dosage_mg / weight_kg
The correct solution is
- Class A doesn’t provide the
argument to the new method - this will cause an error when we try to call the function.- Class C forgets to use
to access the two data attributes on the instance of the class.- Class D does both of the above - it looks like it expects to receive the two data attributes when the function is called, but this avoids the point of putting the method within the class.
class Patient_B: def __init__(self, name, dosage_mg, weight_kg): = name self.dosage_mg = dosage_mg self.weight_kg = weight_kg def dosage_per_kg(self): return self.dosage_mg / self.weight_kg
Key Points
Functions allow us to decompose a problem down into smaller tasks.
Classes allow us to organise data which represents a distinct concept.