This lesson is in the early stages of development (Alpha version)

Programming Paradigms


Teaching: 15 min
Exercises: 20 min
  • How does the structure of a problem affect the structure of our code?

  • Briefly describe the major paradigms we can use to classify programming languages.

  • Decompose the flow of data within a program into a sequence of data transformations

  • Use classes to encapsulate data within a more complex program


In the episode on software lifecycles, we spoke briefly about the design of software and how the design is impacted by the problem being solved and the environment in which the software is expected to run.

One of the major topics in the design of software is Programming Paradigms.

In science and philosophy, a paradigm … is a distinct set of concepts or thought patterns …

– Wikipedia - Paradigm

Each paradigm represents a slightly different way of thinking about and structuring our code and each has certain strengths and weaknesses when used to solve particular classes of problem. Once your software begins to get more complex it’s common to use aspects of different paradigms to handle different subtasks. Because of this, it’s useful to know about the major paradigms, so you can recognise which you’re using and when it might be appropriate to switch to another.

There’s a long history behind this, but to skip straight to now, there’s currently three dominant programming paradigms:

Let us take a look into each of these in turn, and how each can be useful.

Procedural Programming

Procedural programming is the simplest conceptually and is typically the paradigm most beginners will start with, so this is probably the style you’re most familiar with up to this point, where we group code into procedures performing a single task. In most modern languages we call these functions, instead of procedures - so if you’re grouping your code into functions, this might be the paradigm you’re using.

By grouping code like this, we make it easier to reason about the overall structure, since we should be able to tell roughly what a function does just by looking at its name. These functions are also much easier to reuse than code outside of functions, since we can call them from any part of our program.

As the structure of code here is simpler than the following paradigms, this is an appropriate choice for smaller scripts and software that we’re writing just for a single use. Aside from smaller scripts, Procedural Programming is also commonly seen in code focused on high performance, with relatively simple data structures, such as in High Performance Computing (HPC). These programs tend to be written in C (which doesn’t support Object Oriented Programming) or Fortran (which didn’t until recently). HPC code is also often written in C++, but C++ code would more commonly follow an Object Oriented style, though it may have procedural sections.

Note that you may sometimes hear people refer to this paradigm as “Functional Programming” to contrast it with Object Oriented Programming, because it uses functions rather than objects, but this is incorrect. Functional Programming places much stronger constraints on the behaviour of a function.

Functional Programming

Functional Programming is built around a more strict definition of the term “function” borrowed from mathematics. A function in this context can be thought of as a mapping that transforms its input data into output data. Anything a function does other than produce an output is known as a side effect and should be avoided wherever possible.

Being strict about this definition allows us to break down the distinction between code and data, for example by writing a function which accepts and transforms other functions - in Functional Programming code is data.

The most common application of Functional Programming in research is in data processing, especially when using Big Data. A popular definition of Big Data is data which is too large to fit in the memory of a single computer, with a single dataset sometimes being multiple terabytes or larger. With datasets like this, we can’t move the data around easily, so we often want to send our code to where the data is instead. By writing our code in a functional style, we also gain the ability to run many operations in parallel as it’s guaranteed that each operation won’t interact with any of the others - this is essential if we want to process this much data in a reasonable amount of time.

Pure Functions and Side Effects

We define a pure function as one which satisfies two criteria:

  1. The data returned must be the same each time the same arguments are provided
  2. Calling the function has no side effects

Side effects cover any action that a function performs which affects anything other than the value they return. Examples include: printing text, modifying the value of an argument, or changing the value of a global variable.

Pure Functions

Which of these functions are pure? If you’re not sure, explain your reasoning to someone else, do they agree?

def add_one(x):
    return x + 1

def say_hello(name):
    print('Hello', name)

def append_item_1(a_list, item):
    return a_list

def append_item_2(a_list, item):
    result = a_list + [item]
    return result


  1. add_one is pure - it has no effects other than to return a value and this value will always be the same when given the same inputs
  2. say_hello is not pure - printing text counts as a side effect, even though it is the clear purpose of the function
  3. append_item_1 is not pure - the argument a_list gets modified as a side effect - try this yourself to prove it
  4. append_item_2 is pure - the result is a new variable, so this time a_list doesn’t get modified - again, try this yourself

MapReduce in Python - Comprehensions

Often, when working with data you’ll find that you need to apply a transformation to each datapoint, and/or filter the data, before performing some aggregation across the whole dataset. This process is often referred to as MapReduce, particularly when working within the context of Big Data using tools such as Spark or Hadoop. The MapReduce style of data processing relies heavily on the composability and parallelisability that we get when using functional programming. This name comes from applying or mapping an operation to each value, then performing a reduction operation which collects the data together to produce a single result.

In Python, we do have the built-in functions map, filter, but we’ll skip over those and go straight to the recommended approach. If you’re particularly interested in this form of data processing, it might be worth looking up the documentation for these functions, but in general we use comprehensions instead.

integers = range(5)
double_ints = [2 * i for i in integers]

[0, 2, 4, 6, 8]

The above example uses a list comprehension to double each number in a sequence. Notice the similarity between the syntax for a list comprehension and a for loop - in effect, this is a for loop compressed into a single line.

We can also use list comprehensions to filter data, by adding the filter condition to the end.

double_even_ints = [2 * i for i in integers if i % 2 == 0]

[0, 4, 8]

Similarly, we have set and dictionary comprehensions, which look similar to list comprehensions, but use the set literal or dictionary literal syntax.

double_int_set = {2 * i for i in integers}

{0, 2, 4, 6, 8}
double_int_dict = {i: 2 * i for i in integers}

{0: 0, 1: 2, 2: 4, 3: 6, 4: 8}

These ‘comprehensions’ cover the map and filter components of MapReduce, but not the reduce component. For that we either need to rely on a built in reduction operator, or use the reduce function with a custom reduction operator.

In many cases, what we want to do is to sum the values in a collection - for this we have the built in sum function:

l = [1, 2, 3]


Sum of Squares

Using the MapReduce model and a list comprehension, we want to write a function that calculates the sum of the squares of the values in a list. Our function should behave as below:

def sum_of_squares(l):
    # Our code here

print(sum_of_squares([1, 2, 3]))
print(sum_of_squares([-1, -2, -3]))

Which of these functions has the correct behaviour?

def sum_of_squares_a(l):
    squares = [x * x for x in l]
    return sum(squares)

def sum_of_squares_b(l):
    squares = {x: x * x for x in l}
    return sum(squares)

def sum_of_squares_c(l):
    sum = 0
    return [sum = sum + x * x for x in l]

def sum_of_squares_d(l):
    squares = [x * x for x in range(l)]
    return sum(squares)


The correct answer is sum_of_squares_a.

  • Function B uses a dictionary comprehension - when we attempt to sum this we get a sum of the dictionary keys.
  • Function C uses invalid syntax - we can’t use = assignment inside a comprehension.
  • Function D behaves similarly to the sum of squares code we wrote in the previous section - it doesn’t use the values from the list, but the length of the list.
def sum_of_squares_a(l):
    squares = [x * x for x in l]
    return sum(squares)

Object Oriented

In Object Oriented Programming, we first think about the structure of the data and the things that we’re modelling. For example, if we’re writing a simulation for our chemistry research, we’re probably going to need to represent atoms and molecules. Each of these has a set of properties which we need to know about in order for our code to perform the tasks we want - in this case, for example, we often need to know the mass and electric charge of each atom. So with Object Oriented Programming, we’ll have some object structure which represents an atom and all of its properties, another structure to represent a molecule, and a relationship between the two (a molecule contains atoms). This structure also provides a way for us to associate code with an object, representing any behaviours it may have.

The main tools of Object Oriented Programming are classes and the relationships between them.

Relationships Between Classes

Classes give us a tool for grouping data and behaviour related to a single conceptual object. The next step we need to take is to describe the relationships between the concepts in our code.

There are two fundamental types of relationship between objects which we need to be able to describe:

  1. Ownership - x has a y - this is composition
  2. Identity - x is a y - this is inheritance


You should hopefully remember the term composition from the section on functions, where we used composition of functions to reduce code duplication. That time, we used a function which converted temperatures in Celsius to Kelvin as a component of another function which converted temperatures in Fahrenheit to Kelvin.

In the same way, in object oriented programming, we can make things components of other things.

We often use composition where we can say ‘x has a y’ - to use a clinical trial as an example again, we might want to say that a patient has observations.

class Observation:
    def __init__(self, day, value): = day
        self.value = value

    def __str__(self):
        return str(self.value)

class Patient:
    """A patient in a clinical trial."""
    def __init__(self, name, dosage_mg, weight_kg): = name
        self.dosage_mg = dosage_mg
        self.weight_kg = weight_kg
        self.observations = []

    def add_observation(self, value, day):
        new_observation = Observation(day, value)
        return new_observation

    def __str__(self):

alice = Patient('Alice', 40, 65)
obs = alice.add_observation(3, 1)


Now we’re using a composition of two custom classes to describe the relationship between two types of entity in the system that we’re modelling.

Composition: What About Extending it Further?

Of course, reality is often more complex than a single relationship between two types of ‘thing’, and we can also add other classes and relationships to our model as required. Let’s consider adding a doctor that has patients (just after the Patient class):

class Doctor:
   """A doctor conducting a clinical trial."""
   def __init__(self, name):
       self.patients = []

   def add_patient(self, new_patient):
       # A crude check by name if this patient is already looked after
       # by this doctor before adding them
       for patient in self.patients:
           if ==

So, similarly to our Patient class, we specify that a doctor has patients, and have the ability to add them. But note that we’ve also added a check to ensure that we only add the patient if the patient is not already in the doctor’s list of patients. If so, we use return to exit early so we don’t add the patient to the list.

This illustrates the power of the object oriented paradigm: we can extend our model of reality by adding new representations that directly represent real-world entities - and the relationships and behaviours that govern them - as needed.


The other type of relationship used in object oriented programming is inheritance. Inheritance is about data and behaviour shared by classes, because they have some shared identity - ‘x is a y’. If class Y inherits from (is a) class X, we say that X is the superclass or parent class of Y, or Y is a subclass of X.

If we want to extend the previous example to also manage people who aren’t patients we can add another class Person. But Person will share some data and behaviour with Patient - in this case both have a name and show that name when you print them. Since we expect all patients to be people (hopefully!), it makes sense to implement the behaviour in Person and then reuse it in Patient.

To write our class in Python, we used the class keyword, the name of the class, and then a block of the functions that belong to it. If the class inherits from another class, we include the parent class name in brackets.

class Observation:
    def __init__(self, day, value): = day
        self.value = value

    def __str__(self):
        return str(self.value)

class Person:
    def __init__(self, name): = name

    def __str__(self):

class Patient(Person):
    """A patient in an inflammation study."""
    def __init__(self, name, dosage_mg, weight_kg): = name
        self.dosage_mg = dosage_mg
        self.weight_kg = weight_kg
        self.observations = []

    def add_observation(self, value, day):
        new_observation = Observation(day, value)
        return new_observation

    def __str__(self):

alice = Patient('Alice', 40, 65)

obs = alice.add_observation(3, 1)

bob = Person('Bob')

obs = bob.add_observation(4, 1)
AttributeError: 'Person' object has no attribute 'add_observation'

As expected, an error is thrown because we cannot add an observation to bob, who is a Person but not a Patient.

We see in the example above that to say that a class inherits from another, we put the parent class (or superclass) in brackets after the name of the subclass.

Inheritance: What About Extending it Further?

Our example shows a single level of inheritance, but again we could take this further as needed. We could, for example, have a special type of Patient that largely behaves the same but needs to be modelled differently. In this case, we could add a class that is a subclass of Patient. Alternatively, we could have a different type of Person captured in our model - a good example would be our Doctor,which we could define thus:

class Doctor(Person):
    # Rest of class same as above

Key Points

  • A Paradigm describes a way of structuring reasoning about code.

  • Different programming languages are suited to different paradigms.

  • Different paradigms are suited to solving different classes of problems.

  • Pure functions are functions with deterministic behaviour and no side effects.

  • Classes allow us to organise data into distinct concepts.