This lesson is in the early stages of development (Alpha version)

Introduction to Job Scheduling


Teaching: 45 min
Exercises: 30 min
  • What is a scheduler and why does a cluster need one?

  • How do I launch a program to run on a compute node in the cluster?

  • How do I capture the output of a program that is run on a node in the cluster?

  • Submit a simple script to the cluster using Slurm.

  • Monitor the execution of jobs using command line tools.

  • Describe the basic states through which a submitted job progresses to completion or failure.

  • Inspect the output and error files of your jobs.

  • Cancel a running job.

Job Scheduler

An HPC system might have thousands of nodes and thousands of users. How do we decide who gets what and when? How do we ensure that a task is run with the resources it needs? This job is handled by a special piece of software called the scheduler. On an HPC system, the scheduler manages which jobs run where and when.

The following illustration compares these tasks of a job scheduler to a waiter in a restaurant. If you can relate to an instance where you had to wait for a while in a queue to get in to a popular restaurant, then you may now understand why sometimes your job does not start instantly as on your laptop.

Compare a job scheduler to a waiter in a restaurant

The scheduler used here is Slurm. Although Slurm is not used everywhere, running jobs is quite similar regardless of what software is being used. The exact syntax might change, but the concepts remain the same.

Running a Batch Job

A Basic Script

The most basic use of the scheduler is to run a command non-interactively. Any command (or series of commands) that you want to run on the cluster is called a job, and the process of using a scheduler to run the job is called batch job submission.

In this case, the job we want to run is a shell script – essentially a text file containing a list of UNIX commands to be executed in a sequential manner. Our shell script will have three parts:

Let’s use nano to write this script.

[yourUsername@login7a [cosma7] ~]$ nano
#!/usr/bin/env bash

echo -n "This script is running on "

You can then use Ctrl-O followed by Enter to save the file, and Ctrl-X to exit the editor.

Creating Our Test Job

Run the script. Does it execute on the cluster or just our login node?


[yourUsername@login7a [cosma7] ~]$ bash
This script is running on login7a

Submitting the Job

This script ran on the login node, but we want to take advantage of the compute nodes: we need the scheduler to queue up to run on a compute node.

To submit this task to the scheduler, we use the sbatch command. This creates a job which will run the script when dispatched to a compute node which the queuing system has identified as being available to perform the work.

[yourUsername@login7a [cosma7] ~]$ sbatch

However, running the script in its current form may yield an error like the following:

sbatch: error: A valid account is required (use -A and a DiRAC project or Unix group)
sbatch: error: Batch job submission failed: Unspecified error

In this case, it’s telling us that we need to specify more details for submitting it. As it turns out, as a minimum for COSMA we need to specify the following:

Note that depending on the system, other minimal parameters may also be necessary such as specifying a desired quality of service, or the minimum number of required nodes. But we’ll leave these for now.

We can specify them on the command line when submitting our job, like the following. Our job is very short running, so let’s just give it a maximum wall time of 1 minute:

$ sbatch --account=yourAccount --partition=cosma7 --time=00:01:00
Submitted batch job 5791510

And that’s what we need to do to submit a job. Our work is done – now the scheduler takes over and tries to run the job for us.

Monitoring our job

While the job is waiting to run, it goes into a list of jobs called the queue. To check on our job’s status, we check the queue using the command squeue:

[yourUsername@login7a [cosma7] ~]$ squeue -u yourUsername

You may find it looks like this:

5791510 cosma7-pa example- yourUser PD       0:00      1 (Priority)

We can see all the details of our job, including the partition, user, and also the state of the job (in the ST column). In this case, we can see it is in the PD or PENDING state. Typically, jobs go through the following states:

You can get a full list of job status codes via the SLURM documentation.

Where’s the Output?

On the login node, this script printed output to the terminal – but now, when squeue shows the job has finished, nothing was printed to the terminal.

Cluster job output is typically redirected to a file in the directory you launched it from. on DiRAC, for example, the output file looks like slurm-<job_number>.out, with <job_number> representing the unique identifier for the job. Use ls to find and cat to read the file.

Customising a Job

In the job we just ran we didn’t specify any detailed requirements for what our job will need. In a real-world scenario, that’s probably not what we want. Chances are, we will need more cores, more memory, more time, among other special considerations.

So far, we’ve specified job requirements directly on the command line which is quick and convenient, but somewhat limited and less clear when specifying many more parameters. Plus, we may forget which parameters we used in previous runs, which may be critical to reproducing a previous result. The good news is that we can amend our submission script directly to include these parameters instead.

Comments in UNIX shell scripts (denoted by #) are typically ignored, but there are exceptions. For instance the special #! comment at the beginning of scripts specifies what program should be used to run it (you’ll typically see #!/usr/bin/env bash). Schedulers like Slurm also have a special comment used to denote special scheduler-specific options. Though these comments differ from scheduler to scheduler, Slurm’s special comment is #SBATCH. Anything following the #SBATCH comment is interpreted as an instruction to the scheduler.

Let’s illustrate this by example. First, we’ll add the account, partition, and time parameters to the script directly, then give the job itself a different name. By default, a job’s name is the name of the script, but the --job-name (or -J for short) option can be used to change the name of a job. Amend the script to look like the following (amending yourAccount accordingly):

#!/usr/bin/env bash
#SBATCH --account=yourAccount
#SBATCH --partition=cosma7
#SBATCH --time=00:01:00
#SBATCH --job-name=hello-world

echo -n "This script is running on "

Submit the job and monitor its status:

[yourUsername@login7a [cosma7] ~]$ sbatch
[yourUsername@login7a [cosma7] ~]$ squeue -u yourUsername
5791531 cosma7-pa hello-wo yourUser PD       0:00      1 (Priority)

Fantastic, we’ve successfully changed the name of our job!

Resource Requests

What about more important changes, such as the number of cores and memory for our jobs? One thing that is absolutely critical when working on an HPC system is specifying the resources required to run a job, which allows the scheduler to find the right time and place to schedule our job. If you do not specify requirements (such as the amount of time you need), you will likely be stuck with your site’s default resources, which is probably not what you want.

The following are several key resource requests:

Note that just requesting these resources does not make your job run faster, nor does it necessarily mean that you will consume all of these resources. It only means that these are made available to you. Your job may end up using less memory, or less time, or fewer nodes than you have requested, and it will still run.

It’s best if your requests accurately reflect your job’s requirements. We’ll talk more about how to make sure that you’re using resources effectively in a later episode of this lesson.

Job environment variables

When Slurm runs a job, it sets a number of environment variables for the job. One of these will let us check what directory our job script was submitted from. The SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR variable is set to the directory from which our job was submitted. Using the SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR variable, modify your job so that it prints out the location from which the job was submitted.


[yourUsername@login7a [cosma7] ~]$ nano
[yourUsername@login7a [cosma7] ~]$ cat
#!/usr/bin/env bash
#SBATCH --account=yourAccount
#SBATCH --partition=cosma7
#SBATCH --time=00:00:30
#SBATCH --job-name=hello-world

echo "This job was launched in the following directory:"

Resource requests are typically binding. If you exceed them, your job will be killed. Let’s use wall time as an example. We will request 1 minute of wall time, and attempt to run a job for two minutes.

[yourUsername@login7a [cosma7] ~]$ cat
#!/usr/bin/env bash
#SBATCH --account=yourAccount
#SBATCH --partition=cosma7
#SBATCH --time=00:00:30
#SBATCH --job-name=long-job

echo "This script is running on ... "
sleep 240 # time in seconds

Submit the job and wait for it to finish. Once it has finished, check the log file.

[yourUsername@login7a [cosma7] ~]$ sbatch
[yourUsername@login7a [cosma7] ~]$ squeue -u yourUsername
[yourUsername@login7a [cosma7] ~]$ cat slurm-38193.out
Starting job 5791549 at Thu  8 Sep 16:07:02 BST 2022 for user yourUsername.
Running on nodes: m7231
This script is running on slurmstepd: error: *** JOB 5791549 ON m7231 CANCELLED AT 2022-09-08T16:08:28 DUE TO TIME LIMIT ***

Our job was killed for exceeding the amount of resources it requested. Although this appears harsh, this is actually a feature. Strict adherence to resource requests allows the scheduler to find the best possible place for your jobs. Even more importantly, it ensures that another user cannot use more resources than they’ve been given. If another user messes up and accidentally attempts to use all of the cores or memory on a node, Slurm will either restrain their job to the requested resources or kill the job outright. Other jobs on the node will be unaffected. This means that one user cannot mess up the experience of others, so the only jobs affected by a mistake in scheduling will be their own.

Cancelling a Job

Sometimes we’ll make a mistake and need to cancel a job. This can be done with the scancel command. Let’s submit a job and then cancel it using its job number (remember to change the walltime so that it runs long enough for you to cancel it before it is killed!).

[yourUsername@login7a [cosma7] ~]$ sbatch
[yourUsername@login7a [cosma7] ~]$ squeue -u yourUsername
Submitted batch job 5791551

5791551 cosma7-pa hello-wo yourUser PD       0:00      1 (Priority)

Now cancel the job with its job number (printed in your terminal). A clean return of your command prompt indicates that the request to cancel the job was successful.

[yourUsername@login7a [cosma7] ~]$ scancel 5791551
# It might take a minute for the job to disappear from the queue...
[yourUsername@login7a [cosma7] ~]$ squeue -u yourUsername
...(no output when there are no jobs to display)...

Cancelling multiple jobs

We can also cancel all of our jobs at once using the -u option. This will delete all jobs for a specific user (in this case, yourself). Note that you can only delete your own jobs.

Try submitting multiple jobs and then cancelling them all.


First, submit a trio of jobs:

[yourUsername@login7a [cosma7] ~]$ sbatch
[yourUsername@login7a [cosma7] ~]$ sbatch
[yourUsername@login7a [cosma7] ~]$ sbatch

Then, cancel them all:

[yourUsername@login7a [cosma7] ~]$ scancel -u yourUsername

Other Types of Jobs

Up to this point, we’ve focused on running jobs in batch mode. Slurm also provides the ability to start an interactive session.

There are very frequently tasks that need to be done interactively. Creating an entire job script might be overkill, but the amount of resources required is too much for a login node to handle. A good example of this might be building a genome index for alignment with a tool like HISAT2. Fortunately, we can run these types of tasks as a one-off with srun.

srun runs a single command on the cluster and then exits. Let’s demonstrate this by running the hostname command with srun. (We can cancel an srun job with Ctrl-C.) Note that we still need to specify the account, partition, and expected runtime as we would with any job, but in the case of srun, we can only specify these on the command line:

[yourUsername@login7a [cosma7] ~]$ srun --account=yourAccount --partition=cosma7 --time=00:01:00 hostname

Note that given the interactive nature of the job, your terminal will pause until the job is able to be run, so you may have to wait.

Interactive jobs

Sometimes, you will need a lot of resource for interactive use. Perhaps it’s our first time running an analysis or we are attempting to debug something that went wrong with a previous job. Fortunately, Slurm makes it easy to start an interactive job with srun:

[yourUsername@login7a [cosma7] ~]$ srun --account=yourAccount --partition=cosma7 --time=00:01:00 --pty bash

You should be presented with a bash prompt. Note that the prompt will likely change to reflect your new location, in this case the compute node we are logged on. You can also verify this with hostname.

When you are done with the interactive job, type exit to quit your session.

Key Points

  • The scheduler handles how compute resources are shared between users.

  • A job is just a shell script.

  • Use sbatch, squeue, and scancel commands to run, monitor, and cancel jobs respectively.

  • Request slightly more resources than you will need.